Pakistan has ratified the Kyoto Protocol in 2005 as a host country. Hence it has recognized a share in the responsibility of mitigating climate change. Up till now, Pakistan has 49 projects at different stages in the CDM project cycle. The Biomass CDM projects make a significant portion of the overall CDM projects in Pakistan. It is being argued in this research work that though Biomass CDM projects are popularly credited with achieving the dual objectives of CDM projects, i.e. both in climate mitigation and sustainable development but Biomass CDM projects seems to fall short in the both the goals. This research work is based on 1) making the profile of Biomass CDM projects in Pakistan; 2) studying additionality of the Biomass CDM projects and 3) how sustainable development aspects are represented in Biomass CDM projects and what environmental problems are found in these projects. It has been found that the problems associated with the CDM projects are not adequately recognized in the PDDs. Though Biomass has been commercialized under the framework of climate trading and it is supposed to provide the reasonable Sustainable Development benefits to a larger community. However, it has been found that the larger community is not involved and engaged in the process as needed by a genuine development program.